Saturday, December 5, 2009

Healthy Weight Plan

Weight loss is a subject that seems to be on everybody’s mind lately. From revoltingly skinny supermodels to regular overweight people, most of us are unhappy with our current weight. We all try countless different methods, but in the end, nothing seems to work in the long. I believe one of the main reasons for this is the lack of a healthy weight plan. In other words, most of us don’t have any plan on how we would like to achieve a healthy weight.

It may seem obvious to have a healthy weight plan, but I believe it is true. With all of the hype surrounding all of the different diets and weight loss plans, it is easy to get caught up and jump on one of the many bandwagons without giving it much thought. Most of us wouldn’t drive across the country without having some sort of plan on how to get there; which highways to take, which vehicle to drive, which cities to stop in. And yet, very few of us ever consider a plan when contemplating weight loss.

A healthy weight plan does not need to be complex or long. A simple plan that details what your goals are and how you plan to get there will suffice. Do you want to lose 10 pounds or 20 pounds? Or perhaps you prefer to set your goal by dress size or by taking a picture of yourself every month and comparing it with last month until you get to one you like. Do you want to diet, exercise, or both? Which diet will you use? What type of exercise will you do? Will you consult with an expert, such as a dietician, personal trainer or physician? As you can see, it doesn’t have to be complicated, but a healthy weight plan can have a huge impact on your success.

I believe that we can all achieve our weight loss goals and reach a healthy weight. The benefits are endless and I hope that you can all share in them with me. You will have more energy, feel and look better, and have a more positive outlook on life.

New years is fast approaching, and of course many of use are dreading the traditional New Year’s resolutions (mostly because most of use, myself included, don’t even remember what goals we set, let alone achieving them). Why not get a jump start and make a healthy weight plan now. Forget all the tips and tricks, just make your plan and stick with it. I know you will see great results.

PS. Why not trust the experts when evaluating your plan? Tom Venuto has written over 400 articles that have appeared in publications as Men's Fitness, Natural Bodybuilding and O Magazine, as well as having been featured on the Oprah Winfrey show. Tom has put together an excellent program that I think can benefit you greatly.

Click here to check it out

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